The Practical Power of Lists (e-book)

The Practical Power of Lists (e-book)


Lists are everywhere today, from to-do lists to shopping lists, goals to pros and cons. They keep us organized and on track. However, lists alone are just tools; knowing how to use them is key. There is also no one-size-fits-all approach to creating lists. Yet by applying a few principles and making a few adjustments to the way you create, organize, and use lists in your life, you can power them up to become more effective.

This book outlines those list-building principles and applications for life, love, and work. It also shares my personal journey to identifying useful lists and learning how to power them up to be effective tools to help me achieve my goals. Finally, it shares recipes for common lists and ways to make them more powerful tools in your own life.

What you’ll find in this book:

  • Stories about getting organized

  • Principles behind effective lists

  • Advice for improving your lists

  • Ideas for lists you can use in your life, love, and work

If you want the cliff notes for free, read the tl;dr here, and it you prefer to hold the book in your hands, you can find a hard copy here.

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